퓨전사극드라마 "주몽"과 "태왕사신기"에 나타난 전투복 스타일링 비교

Stylings Comparison of Combat Uniforms in Two Historic Soap Operas

  • 최원경 (동아방송예술대학 패션스타일리스트과) ;
  • 김혜리 (동아방송예술대학 콘텐츠디자인연구소) ;
  • 조윤경 (동아방송예술대학 콘텐츠디자인연구소)
  • Choi, Won-Kyong (Dept. of Fashion Styling, Dong-Ah Institute of Media Art) ;
  • Kim, Hye-Ree (Contents Design Institute, Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Art) ;
  • Cho, Yoon-Gyung (Contents Design Institute, Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Art)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


In recent times Fusion Historic Soap Operas have been produced and highly rated in Showtime. They have encouraged more creative costume designs for historic soap operas, as it is difficult to re-create costumes of the era in which the soap opera is set, knowledge of which is scant or even non-existent. These more creative and innovative costumes appeal to young modern audience in a way which the more classical setting did not. This study aims to study styling of combat uniforms in two Fusion Historic Soap Operas- "Zumong" and "Taewangsasingi" and to introduce new styling for future use. Those combat uniforms in two fusion historic soap operas were reproduced by modern imaginations and fantasies, rather than historical researches. Also the new design has applied unique styling for each character and enhances characters in those soap operas. This study focuses on combat uniforms of main male characters, but it can be suggestible that following researches will study in a variety of costume design stylings and characters in future historical soap operas.



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