가족가치관과 성역할태도에 영향을 미치는 인구학적 변인 : 국제비교 분석

The Impact of Demographic Variables on Family Value Orientations and Gender Role Attitudes : The International Comparison

  • 백주희 (명지대학교 사회복지대학원)
  • Baek, Ju-Hee (Graduate School of Social Welfare, Myongji Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


This study aims to examine how much Korean's family value orientations and gender role attitudes are different from those of U.S.A., Sweden, and Japan, and how demographic variables influence family value orientations and gender role attitudes across the countries. By using 2004 Korea General Social Survey data and 2002 International Social Survey Program family module, multiple regression analyses showed that Korean's family value orientations and gender role attitudes were much more traditional than those of U.S.A., Sweden, and Japan, even after controlling demographic variables. Furthermore, each country showed a distinct pattern in the impact of demographic variables on family value orientations and gender role attitudes. Among the demographic variables, age and marital status were statistically significant indicators of family value orientations for all the countries. However, gender, the year of education, and employment status effected on family value orientations only in some countries. The findings of this study showed that Korea was still traditional in terms of family value orientations and gender role attitudes, compared with U.S.A, Sweden, and Japan. Although family value orientations were more traditional in Korea than in the other countries, all the countries showed similar patterns of explaining mechanism in the effect of demographic variables on family value orientations. People who were men and married were likely to be more traditional than those who were women and unmarried. However, gender role attitudes showed interesting results. All the demographic variables were significant predictors of gender role attitudes for Korea, whereas only some of demographic variables were statistically significant indicators of gender role attitudes for other countries. That is, Korean society showed strong attitudinal differences on the basis of demographic variables. The implication of these differences was discussed.



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