가전제품의 품질에 대한 객관적 평가와 주관적 평가기준 비교 분석

Analysis and Comparability of the Subjective and Objective Evaluation for Home Appliance's Quality

  • 허경옥 (성신여자대학교 가족소비자학과)
  • Huh, Kyung-Ok (Dept. of Family & Consumer Science, Sungshin Women's Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


This research aims to analyze and compare the objective and subjective evaluation criteria for home appliances. In addition, this research examined the correlation between those evaluation criteria. Furthermore, consumers are divided by the level of the differences between those criteria; consumer groups whose subjective evaluation level for the quality of home appliances is greater than objective evaluation level, consumer groups whose subjective evaluation level is almost the same, and consumer groups whose subjective evaluation level for the quality of home appliances is lower than objective evaluation level, and this study investigated the differences those three groups by the socio-demographic characteristics and consumers' behavior in the stage of purchase. Results of this research could be summarized as follows. First of all, there were statistically significant between the level of the objective and subjective evaluation in the quality of home appliances. Second, when consumers purchased the expensive home appliance, imported-brand home appliance, home appliances in department store, the level of subjective evaluation level for the quality of home appliances is higher than objective evaluation level. Third, the level of satisfaction for the price, quality, AS, overall satisfaction, and the level of willingness to repurchase were higher in consumer groups whose subjective evaluation level was higher than objective evaluation level.



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