가계의 경제적 스트레스와 경제적 대처행동이 주부의 재무관리행동에 미치는 영향

The Influences of Economic Stress and Coping Behavior on the Financial Management Behavior of Housewives

  • 장윤옥 (경북대학교 사범대학 가정교육과) ;
  • 정서린 (경북대학교 사범대학 가정교육과)
  • Jang, Yoon-Ok (Dept. of Home Economic Education, Kyungpook National Univ.) ;
  • Jeong, Seo-Leen (Dept. of Home Economic Education, Kyungpook National Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate influences on wives' financial management behavior economic instability and coping behavior of urban household. Economic instability was constructed with an objective economic status and perceived economic instability. And, Financial management behaviors were constructed with four dimensions : investment, income/expenditure, risk, and debt management behavior. The subjects of this study were 225 housewives. Factor analysis, Cronbach ${\alpha}$, and multiple regression were performed for data analysis. The results show that, coping behaviors of searching and using information and perceived economic hardship related to debt influenced housewives' investment management behaviors. The coping behaviors of searching and using information, expending in the range of planned budget, using debt, perceived economic hardship related to debt, income insufficiency, and selective expenditure influenced the consumption-expenditure management behaviors. Perceived economic hardship related to essential expenditures and coping behaviors of searching and using information influenced the risk management behaviors. Coping behaviors of searching and using information, using debts and purchasing and using economically, and perceived economic hardship related to essentials influenced debt management behaviors.



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