한국 이동통신시장에서 휴대폰 서비스품질이 전환장벽에 미치는 영향 분석

The Effects of Cellular Phone Service Quality to Switching Barrier in Korean Mobile Telecommunication Market

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


The Korean mobile telecommunication service market is faced with a tremendous competitive period, in which the market is entering into the maturity stage with launching of the 3rd generation service and with introduction of mobile number portability. In general, it is more important to sustain the old customers than to attracting new customers, as the life cycle of an industry is entering the maturity stage in which the growth rate of new customers is decreasing gradually or becoming stagnant. Thus, mobile telecommunication business has to seek a way to maintain the existing customers instead of promoting new customers. So this study investigates whether the service quality of mobile telecommunication could have effects on the switching barrier of the industry. In order to test the hypothesis on the effects of service quality of mobile telecommunication in Korea on switching barrier, this study collected the questionnaire response data of students including middle and high school students and undergraduates, who are regarded as the major customers in that mobile telecommunication industry.



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