소프트웨어 기업의 기술혁신 활동과 혁신 성과에 관한 연구

Technology Innovation Activity and Innovation Performance in the Software Firms

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


In this paper, the technology innovation for software firms are discussed. Through the literature study, the concepts about this issue and the environment and activity of software firm's the technology innovation related are described. The survey paper was developed for searching the obstacles, policy considerations, and performance of this issue etc. Also questionnaire sheet was made for identifying the relations on technology innovation activities and performance. The degree of understanding about the need of technology innovation were very high according to the analysis result from the response based on the 103 software firms. Among this survey the other results are described as follows; the motivation of technology innovation, the necessity and implementation, the duration acquired for innovation result, the favorite support program as for innovation policy, obstacles for innovation implementation, the reason for innovation collaboration etc. Finally, it is verified statistically that the performance of technology innovation be affected by the employment of external professional technician, research and development, the technical education.



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