한국성인의 식품소비행동과 식생활 자기평가에 관한 비교연구

A Comparative Study on Food Behavior with Self-Evaluation of Dietary Life for Korean Adults

  • 박재홍 (영남대학교 식품자원경제학과) ;
  • 유소이 (전북대학교 경영학부)
  • Park, Jae-Hong (Dept. of Food and Resource Economics, Yeungnam University) ;
  • You, So-Ye (Devision of Business Administration, Chonbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


The purpose of this study was to explore socio-economic factors as determinants of food behavior and self-evaluation on meeting dietary guidelines. The data were derived from the KNHANES collected in 2007. A multidimensional framework of the determinants of food behavior was used, including age, gender, region, occupation, education, income and nutritional knowledge. The determinants of food behavior and self-evaluation were estimated by ordered logistic regression models. Food behavior was measured by dietary diversity scores including six food groups, which were cereals, vegetables, meats, fruits, milk, and oils. Self-evaluation on meeting dietary guidelines was based on responses from questionnaires for implementing Korean dietary guidelines. In general, the respondents who fulfilled all criteria were few. There were some differences between dietary diversity scores and self-evaluation on meeting dietary guidelines. Age, gender, and educational level showed effect on food behavior and self-evaluation. For dietary diversity scores, the individuals who were younger male, graduated from college were more likely to consume more various foods. The individuals who were older female, graduated from high school were more likely to meet dietary guidelines. Occupation was associated only with self-evaluation. Age and gender were associated with food behavior as well as self-evaluation. Income and marital status were associated only with dietary diversity scores. Reading food label and occupation were associated only with self-evaluation. The food behavior of married individuals was less in line with the dietary diversity scores than singles. In conclusion the differences between objective measure and subjective measure on individuals' diet showed more efforts like segmented nutritional education would be needed to increase the quality of dietary life.



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