고혈압 근로자를 대상으로 산업간호사가 제공한 맞춤형 생활습관개선 프로그램의 효과

The Effects of Tailored Life Style Improvement Program for the Hypertensive Workers Provided by Occupational Health Nurse

  • 투고 : 2009.11.02
  • 심사 : 2009.11.24
  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


Purpose: To confirm the effect of tailored life style improvement program, provided by occupational health nurse for hypertensive workers on their blood pressure, self-efficacy, and life style changes in workplace. Method: The experimental and control group of thirty subjects each were randomly assigned for those who agreed to participate in the study among the pre-hypertensive workers. The tailored life style improvement program was provided to the experimental group and conducted once a week for 8 weeks. This program was composed of exercise and low salt diet to control high blood pressure and weight, and the measurement of carbon monoxide for non-smoking inducement. Result: In the experimental group, the systolic and diastolic blood pressure significantly decreased while self-efficacy increased after the program compared to the control group. Smoking and drinking habits of the experimental group were significantly decreased whereas exercise and nutritional habits were significantly improved compared to the control group. Conclusion: The tailored life style improvement program provided by occupational health nurses for the hypertensive workers was positively affected on their blood pressure, self-efficacy and life style changes in workplace.



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