간호사의 조직몰입 예측요인

The Prediction Factor on Organizational Commitment of the Nurse

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Purpose: This study was designed to identify the prediction factors that influence nurses' organizational commitment. Method: The sample of this study consisted of 526 full-time nurses randomly picked at 19 general hospitals in Korea. The data was analyzed by computer using SPSS 15.0 for Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. Result: 1) According to general characteristics, nurses' organizational commitment levels among the sample were significantly different in age, religion, social status, marital status, clinical career, and department satisfaction. 2) Level of nurses' organizational commitment was average 2.70, job satisfaction 2.91, burnout 3.03, empowerment 3.36, autonomy 2.93, and self-efficacy 3.51. 3) Nurses' organizational commitment had significant positive correlations with job satisfaction, empowerment, self-regulation, social support, self-efficacy, clinical career, and personnel movement experience. On the other hand, it had significant negative correlations with occupational stress, burnout, and age. 4) The prediction factors which influence Nurses' organizational commitment were job satisfaction($\beta$=.405), burnout($\beta$=-.282), self-regulation($\beta$=.171), clinical career($\beta$=.135). These factors were approximately 49.6% reliable in explaining nurses' organizational commitment. Conclusion: These results can be used to develop hospitals' management strategies for increasing organizational commitment effectiveness and nursing productivity.



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