친환경건축의 매개공간에 있어서 공간체험에 관한 연구

A Study about spatial experience on Intermedia Space of Eco-Architecture

  • 발행 : 2009.04.25


The architectural space is the involuntary place where man lives and experiences, and as a 3 dimensional space through the continuous experience with the concept of 4th dimension of time, it provides the observers with the dramatic space imagery These kinds of space experiences are experienced mentally and perceptively through the physical elements of inner and outer space of the architectural buildings, and this space imagery is created here by all the space composing elemensts of the building. These space experiences are caused by the changing processes of the space characteristics, and the observers perceive the changes in space characteristics. The present building is going with Eco-Architecture. When 2008 sees the building,,Eco-Architecture design which hits appears. There is a possibility of seeing 16 kind types from that place. And From here examined the spatiality which is expressed. These changing processes of inner and outer space, space versus space, and unit space, which are perceived by the observer. It's way to help in architectural design and wishes.



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