Introducing the History of Science in Modem Korea into the Elementary Classroom

한국 근현대 과학사의 초등교육 활용 방안

  • Published : 2009.05.31


The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of introducing the history of science in modern Korea into elementary education. Although there are many studies on applying a history of science to science education, they do not pay attention to the history of science in modern Korea. I survey research papers on the history of science in modern Korea and science education based on a history of science, and elementary science textbooks in Korea, Japan and the US. When we apply the history of science in modern Korea into elementary education, elementary students will recognize science has close relations to Korean culture and history and they will develop the familiarity with science. I show there are 3 ways using the history of science in modern Korea in elementary education: 1) Applying Korean scientists' research contents to science education, 2) Measures to evaluate Korean scientists correctly, 3) Materials for science education programs for gifted elementary students.
