연속류도로 합류영향구간 교통류 난류현상 분석

Analysis of Turbulence on a Merge Influence Section in Uninterrupted Facility

  • 발행 : 2009.06.15


연속류도로 합류영향구간에서는 본선과 다른 교통특성을 가진 연결로교통류의 합류로 차로변경 및 가감속과 같은 차량간의 불규칙한 상호작용이 발생하여 교통류의 난류현상을 야기한다. 따라서, 난류현상은 운행상태를 고려하여 연속된 지점간의 불안정한 교통특성으로 판단하여야 한다. 본 연구에서는 합류영향구간에 차로-지점별 검지기를 설치하여 시공간적으로 연속된 교통자료를 구축하였으며, 지점간에 유의한 속도변화를 판단하는 기준으로 최소유의차(LSD) 통계값을 산정하여 난류현상을 분석하였다. 분석결과, 합류영향구간 난류현상은 운행상태에 따라 발생권역 및 심각도가 변화되는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라 난류현상에 의한 최대 합류영향권역은 교통량이 증가하는 혼잡전 운행상태에서 보여지며, 속도변화특성에 따라 상류 100m$\sim$하류 100m의 "감속구간"과 하류 100m$\sim$하류 400m의 "감속속도유지 및 가속구간"으로 구분할 수 있었다.

Sections under the influence of merging in an uninterrupted facility create irregular interaction between vehicles, such as lane change, speed acceleration and deceleration because of the merging of ramp traffic flows which have traffic characteristics different from those of the main line. This causes a confused traffic flow phenomenon(turbulence), which is considered an unstable traffic characteristic between various continuous points in consideration of v conditions. In this study, in merge influence sections, detectors by lane-point were installed to create time and space-series -traffic data. The least significant difference(LSD), as the criteria for discriminating a significant speed change between points, was calculated to examine the turbulence. As a result, turbulence in merge influence section was found to change the zones of such occurrence and the seriousness levels according to traffic condition. Thus, the maximum merge influence section due to the turbulence was created in the traffic condition before congestion when traffic increases. According to characteristics of changes in speed, merge influence section was divided into upstream 100m$\sim$downstream 100m(a section of speed reduction), and downstream 100m$\sim$downstream 400m(a section of reduced speed maintenance and acceleration).



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