미병학(未病學) 체계구축을 위한 질병예측자(疾病豫側子)로서의 형상진단연구 - 담방광체(膽膀胱體)와 남녀형상(男女形象)을 중심으로 -

Study on Diagnosis by Facial Shapes and Signs as a Disease-Prediction Data for a Construction of the Ante-disease Pattern Diagno-Therapeutic System - Focusing on Gallbladder's versus Bladder's Body and Masculine versus Feminine Shape -

  • Kim, Jong-Wan (College of Korean Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
  • Kim, Kyung-Chul (College of Korean Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
  • Lee, Yang-Tae (College of Korean Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
  • Lee, In-Seon (College of Korean Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
  • Kim, Kyu-Kon (Department of Computation Statistics, College of Natural Science, Dongeui University) ;
  • Chi, Gyoo-Yang (College of Korean Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.25


There needs disease-predictable signs in order to enable preventive diagnosis and therapy. Then traditional Chinese medicine applies various medical diagnostic equipments used in western medicine to diagnosing sub-healthy state. But such data are not originated from inherent oriental medicine, and not obtained easily in ordinary clinical practice. This paper is to provide synopsis of the ante-disease diagno-therapeutics partly and to show predictable data based on the facial shapes and signs, especially of gall bladder's versus bladder's body and masculine versus feminine shape. Ante-disease means not only the complete healthy state, but also the state unseen any symptoms in macrographically in the course of outbreak of disease. It contains two stages, first one is the former state of disease and second one is untransmitted state of disease. The patterns of ante-disease consist of latent disease, pre-disease, transmission type like senescent syndrome, abnormal reactive syndrome(變證), syndrome of transmission and transmutation. The classification with gall bladder and bladder type manifests the differences of shape, color and size of each organ in comparison of the universal and standard figures of the human being. On the other hand, the classification with masculine and feminine shape contrasts the innate sexual difference and the shape, characteristics originated from in itself. These two classification theories have their own pathologic types and syndrome types with each disease so that disease-predictable data can be constructed based on such a relationship. In addition, this diagnostic method by facial shapes and signs is able to be applied to whole stages from prenatal to present state of disease even if the cause and inducement are not clear. Ante-disease diagno-theraputic system by Gall Bladder's versus Bladder's Body and Masculine versus Feminine Shape is getting more important in the chronic and internal disease in comparison of the acute and traumatic disease. So this study is able to make up for the limit of diagnosis on ante-disease in the field of oriental medicine clinic.



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