A study of SO2 Removal Efficiency from Traditional Herbal Medicine Using Traditional & Electronic Medicine Boilers

전통약탕기와 전자약탕기를 이용한 이산화황 제거효율 연구

  • Published : 2009.05.31


The purpose of this study is to determine the most efficient method of removing sulfur dioxide from traditional herbal medicine (hanyak) by slow boiling using a traditional pipkin and an electronic slow boiler. By boiling a hanyak batch containing] 56.4ppm of sulfur dioxide for one hour using a traditional pipkin, 96.7 percent of the sulfur dioxide was removed, while two hours of slow boiling removed ]00 percent. Among different cover materials placed over the pipkin during the slow boiling process including the traditional Korean paper (hanji), regular hanji, filter paper and regular paper, the traditional hanji produced the best performance of sulfur dioxide removal. The initial pH level of the traditional hanji was] 0.03. After one hour of slow boiling hanyak batches in a traditional pipkin covered with traditional hanji, where each batch contained sulfur dioxide of 48ppm, 193ppm, 753ppm and 1,506ppm respectively, the pH level of the hanji cover material was reduced to 9.37, 9.14, 8.9 and 8.03 in respective cases. Our experiment using an electronic medicine slow boiler showed 82.8 percent removal of sulfur dioxide after one hour of slow boiling a hanyak batch containing 753ppm of sulfur dioxide. When hanyak batches were boiled by placing traditional hanji, filter paper, active carbon and hardwood charcoal separately in the middle area within the electronic slow boiler, the sulfur dioxide removal rate was 73.6 percent, 72.8 percent, 73.9 percent and 69.5 percent, respectively. When charcoal was added so as to remove toxic materials from the hanyak, its presence impeded the sulfur dioxide flow and thus reduced the removal efficiency contrary to our anticipation.

본 이산화황이 잔류하는 한약재를 탕제로 달이는 방식에 따라 효율적으로 제거하는 방법을 찾기 위해 약 달이는 방식을 전통약탕기와 진자약탕기 2종류로 설정하였다. 전통약탕기로 156.4ppm을 함유하는 한약재를 1시간 달였을 때 96.7%의 제거효율을 보였으며, 2시간 달였을 때 100% 제거됨을 알 수 있었다. 전통약탕기 뚜껑을 전통한지, 일반한지, 거름종이, 일반종이를 사용하였을 경우 전통한지를 사용할 경우가 이산화황 제거효율이 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 전통한지의 초기 pH는 10.03으로, 전통약탕기에 이산화황이 48ppm, 193ppm, 753ppm 및 1,506ppm 함유하는 한약재를 넣고 1시간 달인 후 pH 측정결과 9.37, 9.14, 8.9 및 8.03으로 각각 나타났다. 전자약탕기 파이롯트실험은, 전자약탕기로 1시간 약을 달일 경우 82.8%의 이산화황제거율을 보였으며, 약탕기 내부 중판부분에 전통한지, 거름종이, 활성탄, 참숯을 넣고 약을 달였을 때 73.6%, 72.8%, 73.9% 및 69.5%의 제거율을 보여 전자약탕기는 내부에 어떤 물체를 넣었을 경우 이산화황의 휘발을 방해하여 제거를 방해하는 것으로 나타났다.



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