서울시 주민자치센터의 시설 형태와 특성에 관한 연구 - 저층 고밀도 지역의 사례 중심 -

A Research on Community Center Facility Types and the Characteristics in Seoul - Focused on the Areas of Low-rise and High-density -

  • 이미숙 (숭실대학교 대학원 실내디자인학과) ;
  • 서귀숙 (숭실대학교 건축학부 실내건축)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.25


Community centers have been public facilities for the welfare and conveniences for the residents since 1999. Currently, the numbers of community centers meet the demands in quantity, but they do not satisfy the quality service needs for the improved life style of residents and the activation of local community. Therefore, the purposes of this research are to find out the current status, types and characters of facilities for the quality improvement of community centers. As the research methods, 'home pages of community centers', 'gujung backseo' were used, and '40 case studies' were completed. Case studies were done by observation and research on the actual conditions. The case works were done between July- September in 2008. Followings are the results of the study; 1. Area measurements of the community centers are being increased since 2000. 2. Complex facility types of community centers are mainly public administrative facilities (community center)+public administrative facilities of mixed type. 3. There are three architectural types of community centers: horizontal type, vertical type, mixed type. 4. There are three classified entrance types for the community centers. 5. There are twelve classified facility types for the community centers. Community centers are usually mixed with diverse facilities, especially welfare facilities and cultural facilities. Proper community center types which contain the functional characters and varieties of facilities should be developed, and these active centers should be used conveniently by residents, thus, further study is required in this regard.



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