화악산의 산림군락과 환경요인의 상관관계 분석

Correlation Analysis between Forest Vegetation Type and Environment Factor in Mt. Hwaak

  • 발행 : 2009.05.31


The purpose of this study was to explain relationship between community structure and their environment variables in Mt. Hwaak. Samples were collected by 101 plots using ZM phytosociological method and followed by cluster, importance value and canonical correspondence analysis. The forest vegetation classified into 8 community types such as Pinus densiflora community, Berberis amurensis community, Betula ermani community, Betula schmidtii community, Larix leptolepis community, Pinus koraiensis community, Cornus controversa community and Salix koreensis community. Altitude was considered as the highest factor correlated to the community types. Berberis amurensis community and Betula ermani community were located in upper slope area of high elevation, Comus controversa community and Salix koreensis community in valley area, and Pinus densiflora community in ridge area, respectively.



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