On the Minimax Disparity Obtaining OWA Operator Weights

  • 발행 : 2009.04.25


The determination of the associated weights in the theory of ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operators is one of the important issue. Recently, Wang and Parkan [Information Sciences 175 (2005) 20-29] proposed a minimax disparity approach for obtaining OWA operator weights and the approach is based on the solution of a linear program (LP) model for a given degree of orness. Recently, Liu [International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, accepted] showed that the minimum variance OWA problem of Fuller and Majlender [Fuzzy Sets and Systems 136 (2003) 203-215] and the minimax disparity OWA problem of Wang and Parkan always produce the same weight vector using the dual theory of linear programming. In this paper, we give an improved proof of the minimax disparity problem of Wang and Parkan while Liu's method is rather complicated. Our method gives the exact optimum solution of OWA operator weights for all levels of orness, $0\leq\alpha\leq1$, whose values are piecewise linear and continuous functions of $\alpha$.



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