퍼지이론을 활용한 변동비 반영 전력시장의 용량요금 개선방안에 관한 연구

A Study on Improvement of Capacity Payment using Fuzzy Theory in CBP Market

  • 김종혁 (홍익대학 전기정보제어공학과) ;
  • 김발호 (홍익대 전기정보제어공학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.01


This paper presents a method for improvement of capacity payment in CBP(cost based pool) market. Capacity payments have been used as common mechanisms in various pools for compensating generators recognized to serve a for reliability purpose. Ideal pricing for capacity reserves by definition achieves a balance between economic efficiency and investment incentives. That is, prices must be kept close to costs, but not so low as to discourage investment. However, the price set is not easy. This paper concludes with market design recommendations that apply fuzzy theory for improvement of capacity payment. Following this model, market participants decided on their own based on their forecast to the market demand and the payment for it.



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