한국과 일본 여대생간 겨울철 의복의 착장활동에 관한 비교 연구

A Study of Clothes-Wearing in Winter between Korean and Japanese Female College Students by Comparison

  • 정명희 (부천대학 의상디자인과) ;
  • 정화연 (국제대학 패션계열) ;
  • 신은영 (일본문화여자대학교 복장사회학)
  • 발행 : 2009.05.31


The purpose of this study was to compare clothes-wearing in winter between Korean and Japanese college students and to provide the fundamental data for apparel manufacturers to produce young woman's clothing. A total of 332 Korean female students in the capital area and 347 Japanese female students in Tokyo aged between 19 and 25 were used into data analysis from December 2007 to January 2008. Their majors were Fashion Design and Clothing & Textiles. The questionnaires consisted of 36 questions in total. Their details were as follows: 2 questions about the purposes of wearing clothes in winter, 5 questions about whether or not underwear was worn and its types, 9 questions about the types of wearing outer garments, 17 questions about the types of wearing accessories, and 3 questions about demographic characteristics. The results were as follows: It was found that many female students wore clothes for "a protection purpose" or "an ornamental purpose" in winter. There was significant difference between Korea and Japan. As for the question about whether or not underwear was worn in winter, less Korean students answered than Japanese students that they wore both of upper and lower underwear. More upper underwear was worn than lower underwear. As for the question about the types of wearing outer garments, both Korean and Japanese students answered that they wore 3-layered upper garments in winter most. The types of upper garments worn in winter were different between Korea and Japan. The lower garments worn in winter were different between the two countries as well. The Korean students mainly wore pants while the Japanese students wore skirts. As for the types of accessories, there was significant difference between Korea and Japan about most of the questions about hats and gloves. Korean students wore them more than Japanese students. There was no significant difference between the two countries about whether or not scarves or earmuffs were worn. In both countries, more students wore scarves while less students wore earmuffs.



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피인용 문헌

  1. A Comparative Study of Clothes-Wearing Behaviors According to Differences in Indoor Heating Systems and Cold Sensitivity vol.26, pp.1, 2015,