Reconfigurable Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Framework

재구성이 가능한 다분야통합최적설계 프레임웍의 개발

  • 이장효 (서울시립대학교 기계정보공학과) ;
  • 이세정 (서울시립대학교 기계정보공학과)
  • Published : 2009.06.30


Modern engineering design problems involve complexity of disciplinary coupling and difficulty of problem formulation. Multidisciplinary design optimization can overcome the complexity and design optimization software or frameworks can lessen the difficulty. Recently, a growing number of new multidisciplinary design optimization techniques have been proposed. However, each technique has its own pros and cons and it is hard to predict a priori which technique is more efficient than others for a specific problem. In this study, a software system has been developed to directly solve MDO problems with minimal input required. Since the system is based on MATLAB, it can exploit the optimization toolbox which is already developed and proven to be effective and robust. The framework is devised to change an MDO technique to another as the optimization goes on and it is called a reconfigurable MDO framework. Several numerical examples are shown to prove the validity of the reconfiguration idea and its effectiveness.



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