건강기능식품 사례를 통한 대량 맞춤생산 도입 대안 비교 평가 연구

Evaluation of Implementation Alternatives of the Mass Customization in Health Food Company

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Mass customization (MC) is a business practice that aims to provide customers with customized products and services at near mass production efficiency. To achieve the aim, a number of methods to implementing MC are proposed. However, most of them require changes in entire process of the company, which make companies hesitate to implement MC even if it is essential to survive. In this paper, we proposed alternatives to partially implement MC for quick adaptation of MC. The base line assumption is not to change the production lines. The pros and cons of alternatives are given by qualitative and quantitative evaluation. Especially, by giving radar chart analysis of the quantitative measures, we give insight on the changes in the business performance measures, such as time to market and cost. Proposed alternatives are based on sub-processes such as purchasing raw materials, production process changes and packaging for efficient logistics. In this way, companies are able to provide customized products with small changing of the current manufacturing system. The process and benefit of the proposed strategy is verified by real world cases of a Korean health food company.



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