Domain Mapping using Nonlinear Finite Element Formulation

  • Patro, Tangudu Srinivas (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology) ;
  • Voruganti, Hari K. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology) ;
  • Dasgupta, Bhaskar (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology) ;
  • Basu, Sumit (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Domain mapping is a bijective transformation of one domain to another, usually from a complicated general domain to a chosen convex domain. This is directly useful in many application problems like shape modeling, morphing, texture mapping, shape matching, remeshing, path planning etc. A new approach considering the domain as made up of structural elements, like membranes or trusses, is developed and implemented using the nonlinear finite element formulation. The mapping is performed in two stages, boundary mapping and inside mapping. The boundary of the 3-D domain is mapped to the surface of a convex domain (in this case, a sphere) in the first stage and then the displacement/distortion of this boundary is used as boundary conditions for mapping the interior of the domain in the second stage. This is a general method and it develops a bijective mapping in all cases with judicious choice of material properties and finite element analysis. The consistent global parameterization produced by this method for an arbitrary genus zero closed surface is useful in shape modeling. Results are convincing to accept this finite element structural approach for domain mapping as a good method for many purposes.



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