Generation of 2-D Parametric Surfaces with Highly Irregular Boundaries

  • Sarkar, Subhajit (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bengal Engineering and Science University) ;
  • Dey, Partha Pratim (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bengal Engineering and Science University)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


The conventional methods of boundary-conformed 2D surfaces generation usually yield some problems. This paper deals with two boundary-conformed 2D surface generation methods, one conventional approach, the linear Coons method, and a new method, boundary-conformed interpolation. In this new method, unidirectional 2D surface has been generated using some of the geometric properties of the given boundary curves. A method of simultaneous displacement of the interpolated curves from the opposite boundaries has been adopted. The geometric properties considered for displacements include weighted combination of angle bisector and linear displacement vectors at all the data-points of the two opposite generating curves. The algorithm has one adjustable parameter that controls the characteristics of transformation of one set of curves from its parents. This unidirectional process has been extended to bi-directional parameterization by superimposing two sets of unidirectional curves generated from both boundary pairs. Case studies show that this algorithm gives reasonably smooth transformation of the boundaries. This algorithm is more robust than the linear Coons method and capable of resolving the 2D boundary-conformed parameterization problems.



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