The Behavioral-Sciences Approach for Prevention of Musculoskeletal System Disorders for VDT Worker: The Relative Effects of Immediate Feedback and Informational Prompt

VDT 근로자의 근골격계 질환 예방을 위한 행동과학적 접근: 즉각적 피드백과 정보적 프롬프트의 상대적 효과 검증

  • Received : 2009.10.09
  • Accepted : 2009.12.16
  • Published : 2009.12.30


The purpose of this study was to examine the relative effectiveness of immediate feedback and informational prompt on safe sitting behaviors that may cause VDT syndromes. Participants were three white color workers and an ABCB within-subject design was adopted. Safety Posture System was developed specifically for the present study. The system could detect participants' unsafe sitting postures using sensors and provide feedback and prompt on the computer monitors. The results indicated that both immediate feedback and informational prompt considerably increased safe sitting behaviors. More importantly, the immediate feedback was more effective than the informational prompt in increasing safe sitting behaviors.



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