Pancreatic disease is the most frequent cause of isolated splenic vein thrombosis. Splenic vein thrombosis causes a localized form of portal hypertension known as sinistral or left-sided portal hypertension. Splenic vein thrombosis may be complicated by the formation of gastric varices, with the potential of massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Whereas splenectomy is considered to be the treatment of choice for symptomatic splenic vein thrombosis, the role of splenectomy in the patient with asymptomatic splenic vein thrombosis remains controversial. We report a rare case of acute pancreatitis complicated by isolated asymptomatic splenic vein thrombosis. Recognition of this disease entity is important because the risk of secondary variceal bleeding, while uncommon, can be life-threatening.
저자들은 구토와 심와부 통증을 주소로 내원한 12세 여아에서 복부 전산화 단층촬영을 시행하여 급성 췌장염과 함께 동반된 비정맥 혈전증을 진단하였고, 정맥류출혈이나 비장 비대 등의 증상을 보이지 않아 보존적치료 후 추적 관찰한 증례를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다.