한 농촌지역 주민들의 대사증후군 관련요인

Factors Affecting Metabolic Syndrome in a Rural Community

  • Kim, Jong-Im (Department of Nursing, Daejeon Health Sciences College)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.30


Objectives: This study set out to investigate the relationship among the factors of metabolic syndrome diagnosis criteria, their risk factors including general characteristics, and the distribution of the diagnosis criteria and risk among the adult residents of a rural community. Methods: Among 1,968 residents, those who had three or more of the risk factors of metabolic syndrome, which include blood pressure, blood glucose, triglyceride, abdominal obesity, and HDL-C, were categorized as the metabolic syndrome group. And their correlations were analyzed. Results: As for the risk ratio with five factors of the metabolic syndrome diagnosis criteria, it was high according to age and smoking. In addition, the results show that body fat percentage, hs-CRP, insulin, BMI, PP2, total cholesterol, and W/Ht also had much impact on increasing the risk ratio of the metabolic syndrome diagnosis criteria. It turned out that metabolic syndrome was affected by the body mass index(BMI), insulin, waist to height ratio(W/Ht), and hs-CRP. It was 2.51 times crude odds ratio that BMI over the 25kg/m2 in the ratio of the fact of metabolic syndrome and adjusted for sex odds ratio 2.50times and W/Ht was 3.31times, adjusted for sex odds ratio 3.25 times. Conclusion: BMI, W/Ht and smoking of the general characteristics seem to have close relationships with high correlations between the metabolic syndrome diagnosis criteria and the risk factors. Thus there is an urgent need to evaluate them and take interventions and monitoring measures for the clustering of risk factors.



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