Development of the Localized Electromotion Scooter Controller for the Senior and Disabled

노약자 및 장애인을 위한 전동스쿠터용 컨트롤러 국산화 개발

  • Published : 2009.03.01


In this paper, A localized electromotion scooter controller for the senior and disabled is developed. Recently, the population which uses the electromotion wheel chair or electromotion scooter is increasing. The reason is that the electromotion wheel chair and electromotion scooter were newly applied in medical treatment grant item. In the whole world, electromotion scooter controller is coming to be produced above a hundred of millions. The products produced are consuming from most Europe and North America. the demand is increasing rapidly in Korea. The electromotion scooter which is sold to domestic is about 40,000 units, and about 70% or more in the products are imported from the foreign nation. Also controller for electromotion scooter uses the foreign nation product. Consequently, as the localized electromotion scooter controller is developed, it will be able to expect an income substitution effect, and apply to the agriculture and leisure mobile equipment parts.



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