Pattern and Aesthetic Characteristics of Modem Fashion using Typography

타이포그래피를 이용한 현대패션의 유형과 미적 특성

  • 김선영 (순천대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • Published : 2009.04.30


This research covers the ways in which typography, which has been expressed in a diverse range of fields and changed communication functions from the era of reading to the era of feeling according to the change in the times and social demands, has been represented in modem fashion, along with examining its inherent aesthetic characteristics. I reviewed the general information of typography's fundamental notions and functions through documented records, and analyzed the inherent aesthetic characteristics by examining the typographical patterns shown in modem fashion based on art works in domestic and international collections after 2000. The result of this research is that typography in modem fashion has been used for improving brand image, expressing social slogans, expressing images, linguistic function for playful expression and the interdependent relationships of modeling functions. Typography in modem fashion has always been diversely expressed harmoniously with linguistic and modeling functions. Through this, the aesthetic characteristics were firstly parodies through direct sentences addressing political and social ideologies, economic gaps, environmental issues and anti-war protests. Secondly, by using brand logos, typography was used as a commercial means like brand-image transfer and separation through customization of other brands. Thirdly, the aesthetic and artistic value of fashion were expressed after being used as experimental visual components like image, motive and patterns which are all elements of fashion design. Fourthly, by distortion and transformation of characters or childish decorations, along with the harmonization of words, cathartic humor was provided for the calloused senses of modern people.



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