공동주택 철근콘크리트 공사 작업지연요인에 관한 연구

A Study on the Work Delay Factors of Reinforced Concrete Work in Apartment House Construction

  • 발행 : 2009.04.20


In order to conduct construction projects effectively, the work delay factors would be managed by planned construction schedules. As construction works are delayed ceaselessly, the solution is to select and manage the key factors which delay the work ceaselessly. The subjects of this study were an apartment houses of reinforced concrete structure. Hidden work delay factor were extracted, the surveys were conducted and occurrence, severity and detection of each factor were analyzed. With this result, final orders of priority were fixed and key management factors were deducted and presented.



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피인용 문헌

  1. A Comparative Analysis of Hindrance Factors to Labor Productivity in Each Construction Site Using the IPA vol.15, pp.6, 2014,