A Study on the Analysis of the Current and the Demand of the House for the Blind

시각장애인 주택의 실태 및 요구도 분석에 관한연구

  • 김상운 (건국대학교 연구처) ;
  • 강병근 (건국대학교) ;
  • 성기창 (한국재활복지대학 인테리어디자인과) ;
  • 박광재 (한국재활복지대학 인테리어디자인과) ;
  • 윤영삼 (건국대학교 연구처) ;
  • 정은영 (건국대학교 건축공학과)
  • Received : 2008.12.26
  • Accepted : 2009.02.13
  • Published : 2009.02.28


Increasing the old and the senile disability, it is increased that the demand of barrier-free house for the disabled, the senior, the pregnant and the young is strongly increasing recently. In this reason, this study focuses the problems of the house which is used by the Blind through the investigation of current status and tries to find out the differences between disability's demand and current design of their house. As well, through the research and analysis some cases of the residential alterations this study verifies what the demand is on each room and their need is committed correctly during the residential alterations. It is the purposes of this study finding the problems through these research and analysis. Thus this study investigates houses of the Blind and finds out their house type, scale and daily life through the statistical data and documentary survey and also, investigates current status of their house. The basic standard for the current status and the demand analysis is researched by the barrier factors which are deducted from the former study.



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