Formative Expressions by Artificial Light applied to Office Building Lobbies

현대 오피스 로비공간에서 빛의 조형적 표현 특성에 관한 연구

  • 정수련 (건국대학교 디자인대학원)
  • Published : 2009.04.30


Contemporary design environment is formed with image-centered trend based on pluralism. In this point of view, enterprises' building lobbies are public places containing the equivocal meaning, actively utilizing light as a design element to express the image of enterprises' identifications. Light is an immaterial entity having unlimited possibilities and potentials on space. It also acts as media to activate spaces and create new images in connection with formative elements of space. This study is to figure out how lightings are expressed and affected the formative characteristics of office lobby spaces and activate the specific characteristics of spaces. As a result, we drew conclusions as follows. First, as state-of-the-art technology and media are introduced, light is expressed on spaces as floating, direction, rhythm, silhouette, metaphor and allusion, sense of depth and volume. Second, expressive aspects of light in lobby space are embodiment of light, substantiation of immateriality, standing of materiality from the perspective of spatial aesthetics, and distortion/transformation of shape, pluralism phenomena of space from the perspective of spatial structure. In this way, light on building lobbies which are greatly required design differentiation strategy, specializes space and also integrates all the designs as not only a functional element but also a mental, psychological, formative element. Consequently, light on lobby spaces induces communication between spaces and users, makes formative value of existence in itself, and presents the characteristics of differentiated enterprises' identities.



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