공간관의 변화에 따른 사건과 장소의 관계 유형에 관한 연구

A Study on Relative Type of Events and Place relevant to Change of Spatial View

  • 황용섭 (국립한국재활복지대학 인테리어디자인과) ;
  • 김주연 (홍익대학교 미술대학 산업디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


To the human being, the space as the objective for fundamental thought called 'Being', and the space as the place for actual experience containing 'Life and Experience', have coexisted. Such dual characteristics owned by the space have come to the present creating various spatial viewpoints. As for the space as the objective for various thoughts and interpretations, its emphasis is nowadays being moved to the existence from such being. There is the event in the core of such change. Human's recognition for the space is originated from the observed events, which appears as an immense meaning, as it 'is accumulated as the experience. Therefore, the importance of the event in another viewpoint thinking the space is becoming bigger. This research has tried to grasp the tendency for the place-orientation by grasping the meaning owned by the event through the course that the viewpoint for such space has been changed. This research put its focus on clarifying the relationship between the place and event that are brought into relief by tracking down the transitional process of the viewpoint of space in the history of Occidental philosophy. Through this process, this research came to have a grip on the relationship in which a sense of place obviously stands out in bold relief as a result of an event, an emblem of an event, condition of an event, and as an event itself. Such four patterns are not mutually individual phenomenon, but form a discourse on modern space by traversing each other crisscross.



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