Development of Halfedge-based Triangular Mesh Data Structure

반모서리 기반의 삼각망 자료 구조 개발

  • 정연찬 (서울산업대학교 금형설계학과) ;
  • 장민호 (단국대학교 기계공학과)
  • Published : 2009.02.01


Triangular mesh models are widely used in reverse engineering, computer graphics, rapid prototyping and NC(numerical controller) tool-path generation. Triangular mesh models are generated from point clouds, surface models and solid models. A halfedge-based triangular mesh data structure is proposed and the development considerations are presented. In the presented data structure, halfedge is the key data structure. Halfedge stores its triangle index and the order in the triangle. Triangles do not store the halfedge lists explicitly. Halfedge is referred by value and defined when it is required. Proposed data structure supports four design requirements: efficient rendering, compact memory, supporting efficient algorithms and easy programming.



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