Mechanical Properties of Hwangtoh-Based Alkali-Activated Concrete

  • Yang, Keun-Hyeok (Department of Architecture Engineering, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Hwang, Hey-Zoo (Department of Architecture, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Lee, Seol (Department of Architecture Engineering, Mokpo National University)
  • Received : 2009.02.06
  • Published : 2009.06.30


This study presents the testing of 15 hwangtoh-based cementless concrete mixes to explore the significance and limitations of the development of eco-friendly concrete without carbon dioxide emissions while maintaining various beneficial effects. Hwangtoh, which is a kind of kaolin, was incorporated with inorganic materials, such as calcium hydroxide, to produce a cement-less binder. The main variables investigated were the water-to-binder ratio and fine aggregate-to-total aggregate ratio to ascertain the reliable mixing design of hwangtoh-based cementless concrete. The variation of slump with elapsed time was recorded in fresh concrete specimens. Mechanical properties of hardened concrete were also measured: including compressive strength gain, splitting tensile strength, moduli of rupture and elasticity, stress-strain relationship, and bond resistance. In addition, mechanical properties of hwangtoh-based cement-less concrete were compared with those of ordinary portland cement (OPC) concrete and predictions obtained from the design equations specified in ACI 318-05 and CEB-FIP for OPC concrete, wherever possible. Test results show that the mechanical properties of hwangtoh-based concrete were significantly influenced by the water-to-binder ratio and to less extend by fine aggregate-to-total aggregate ratio. The moduli of rupture and elasticity of hwangtoh-based concrete were generally lower than those of OPC concrete. In addition, the stress-strain and bond stress-slip relationships measured from hwangtoh-based concrete showed little agreement with the design model specified in CEB-FIP. However, the measured moduli of rupture and elasticity, and bond strength were higher than those given in ACI 318-05 and CEB-FIP. Overall, the test results suggest that the hwangtoh-based concrete shows highly effective performance and great potential as an environmental-friendly building material.



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