Human-Environmental Ecological City - The Ecoumenal City -

  • Received : 2008.09.30
  • Published : 2009.06.30


While the ideal universality of the modern period has achieved outstanding results in terms of establishing sanitary cities in contemporary urban environments, it has caused the decline of the genius loci. This study raises the question of the lost sense of place and proposes a solution, 'The Human-Environmental Ecological City'. The Human-Environmental Ecological City, called 'Ecoumenal City', does not provide a fake idealism with the conclusion of modernity of non-place or sense of place without modernity. It is both cosmological and geogenic, and the technology of the time is projected onto it human-environmentally. It does not pursue any more a urban planning as the overall work of an individual, but it aims at a balance rediscovered through the individual spontaneousness.



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