Walking of a Planar Biped with an Intuitive Method

직관적인 방법에 의한 평면형 2족 로봇의 보행

  • Received : 2008.11.13
  • Accepted : 2008.11.21
  • Published : 2009.02.27


This work deals with an intuitive method for a planar biped to walk, which is named Relative Trajectory Control (RTC) method. A key feature of the proposed RTC method is that feet of the robot are controlled to track a given trajectory, which is specially designed relative to the base body of the robot. The trajectory of feet is presumed from analysis of the walking motion of a human being. A simple method to maintain a stable posture while the robot is walking is also introduced in RTC method. In this work, the biped is modeled as a free-floating robot, of which dynamic model is obtained in the Cartesian space. Using the obtained dynamic model, the robot is controlled by a model-based feedback control scheme. The author shows a preliminary experimental result to verify that the biped robot with RTC method can walk on the even or uneven surfaces.



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