Methanol Extract of Longanae Arillus Regulates Sleep Architecture and EEG Power Spectra in Restraint-Stressed Rats

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Longanae Arillus (the rind of fruits of Dimocarpus longan) has been consumed for the treatment of insomnia and anxiety in Asia. To provide further scientific basis to traditional uses of this fruit on insomnia, we evaluated the effects of methanol extract of Longanae Arillus (MELA) on the alteration of sleep architecture and electroencephalogram (EEG) power spectra in acutely and chronically restraint-stressed rats. Following postsurgical recovery, Polygraphic signs of sleep-wake activities were recorded for 24 h after MELA administration in rats. Rats in the acute stress and chronic stress were administered with MELA for 10 days. On the $8^{th},\;9^{th}\;and\;10^{th}$ day of MELA administration, the rats were stressed for 3 h once per day. On the $10^{th}$ day and 1 h after MELA administration, the rats were stressed once for 22 h in the chronic stress group. Acute and chronic stress induced alternations in cortex EEG recordings during non-rapid eye movement (NREM), rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and wakefulness. MELA shortened the total and REM sleep and increased the wakefulness in night time recording without changing daytime recordings. Chronic stress increased wakefulness and REM sleep, decreased total and NREM sleep in the daytime recording, and increased REM and decreased NREM sleep without changing total sleep and wakefulness in night time recording. These findings suggest that MELA ameliorated the alterations in REM and NREM sleep of acutely and chronically stressed rats via modulation of cortical ${\alpha}-$, ${\theta}-$ and ${\delta}-$ wave activity.



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