Survey Research of Homemade and Commercial Cabbage(Baechu) Kimchi on Physicochemical Quality Characteristics

자가제조 배추김치와 시판 김치의 이화학적 품질 실태 조사

  • Yi, Sang-Hwa (Department of Food and Nutrition, School of Human Ecology, University of Hanyang) ;
  • Park, Shin-Young (Department of Food and Nutrition, School of Human Ecology, University of Hanyang) ;
  • Jeong, Dan-Hee (Department of Food and Nutrition, School of Human Ecology, University of Hanyang) ;
  • Kim, Jin-Young (Department of Food and Nutrition, School of Human Ecology, University of Hanyang) ;
  • Lee, Ae-Jung (Department of Food and Nutrition, School of Human Ecology, University of Hanyang) ;
  • Shin, Hyun-Ah (Department of Food and Nutrition, School of Human Ecology, University of Hanyang) ;
  • Moon, Ji-Hea (Department of Food and Nutrition, School of Human Ecology, University of Hanyang) ;
  • Lee, Jin-Hyeuk (DAESANG FNF R&D Center) ;
  • Kim, Sung-Eon (DAESANG FNF R&D Center) ;
  • Ryou, Hyun-Joo (Health Promotion Division Seoul Metropolitan Government) ;
  • Om, Ae-Son (Department of Food and Nutrition, School of Human Ecology, University of Hanyang)
  • Published : 2009.12.31


In order to develop and propagate the low sodium kimchi for preventing high sodium related diseases, the salinity, pH and acidity of cabbage(Bachu) kimchi sampled from home located in 6 big cities(Pusan, Daegoo, Kyungjoo, Daegoo, Jeonjoo, Daejeon, and Seoul) and commercial 6 manufacturers(A~F) distributed in markets were monitored and analyzed in the current study. Salinity was significantly (p<0.05) higher in homemade($3.03%{\pm}0.60$: 1.79~4.40) kimchi than in commercial($2.38%{\pm}0.60$:1.04~2.87) kimchi. Also, salinity was significantly(p<0.05) higher in Pusan($3.45{\pm}0.60%$) kimchi than in Kyungjoo($3.11{\pm}0.39$), Daegoo($3.19{\pm}0.42$), Jeonjoo($2.98{\pm}0.32$), Daejeon($3.00{\pm}0.38$) and Seoul ($2.52{\pm}0.46%$) kimchi. However, there was no significant difference(p<0.05) of salinity in 6 kinds of commercial kimchi. Related to this result, pH of kimchi from homemade and commercial was $4.40{\pm}0.29$(3.72~6.03) and $5.45{\pm}0.76$ (4.23~6.35), acidity of kimchi from homemade and commercial were $0.99{\pm}0.30%$(0.28~2.17) and $0.45{\pm}023$(0.17~0.93), respectively. Thus, the current study provides evidence that we may need to manufacture the low sodium kimchi because all homemade kimchi, especially Pusan and Daegoo kimchi and commercial brand kimchi contained over 2% salinity.



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