외국인의 한식에 대한 브랜드 이미지 분석

Analysing Foreign Consumers' Perceived Brand Image of Korean Food

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


This study investigated foreign consumers' perceived brand image of Korean food by applying the factor analysis research method. Questionnaires were distributed to 600 foreigners visiting Korea, from September 1 to 21, 2008. A total of 416 questionnaires were returned, of which 70 unusable questionnaires were excluded and 346 were used in the final analysis. SPSS 12.0 was employed for the statistical analysis. According to the factor analysis results, the brand image of Korean food were classified into four factors, 'premium concerns', 'novelty concerns', 'health concerns', and 'popularity concerns', where 'health concerns' had the highest mean score among the factors. The results also showed that the respondents perceived Korean food as 'healthy' and 'organic', but not as 'feminine' or 'high-grade', particularly respondents who were Japanese and Chinese. Additionally, the respondents were divided into two groups by degree of preference for Korean food. No significant differences existed between the two groups except for the attribute 'family-oriented'. Overall, the results suggested that the representative brand image of Korean food is 'healthy', which also corresponds with recent food consumption trends and Korean food characteristics.



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