보스턴 테리어에서 발생한 음경골 이형성과 편측 잠복고환증을 가진 회음부 요도하열

A Case of Perineal Hypospadias with Os Penis Deformity and Unilateral Cryptorchidism in a Boston Terrier

  • Park, Woo-Young (Bayer Health Care) ;
  • Bae, Chun-Sik (College of Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology Research Institute, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Hwi-Yool (College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University) ;
  • Cho, Ki-Rae (Department of Veterinary Nurse and Pet Science, Seojeong College) ;
  • Park, Woo-Dae (Department of Veterinary Nurse and Pet Science, Seojeong College)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


6개월령의 보스톤 테리어가 미측 음경 돌출과 불완전 형성된 포피, 이분화된 음낭, 잠복고환과 음경골 이형성을 나타내었다. 신체검사상, 요도구멍은 회음부 표면에 위치하였고 섬유성 띠는 귀두로부터 회음부에 있는 요도구멍까지 연결되어 있었다. 또한, 잘못 위치한 요도구멍을 통한 상행성 감염에 의하여 요도염을 나타내었다. 교정수술은 외부생식기 전체와 잠복고환을 절제하기 위하여 시행되었다. 포피, 음경 그리고 잠복고환은 성공적으로 절제되었다. 수술 후 요도구멍을 주기적으로 세척하고 항생제를 투여한 이후, 재발성 요도염은 사라졌다. 만약, 요도구멍의 위치가 재발성 요도염의 원인과 요실금의 주요 원인이 아니라면, 요도구멍을 재형성할 필요가 없는 이 치료법을 이용할 것을 제안한다.

A six-month-old Boston terrier presented with an extruded penis caudally, incompletely formed preputial sheath, bifid scrotum, retained testicle and deformity of the os penis. On physical examination, the urethral orifice was located on the surface of the perineum and a fibrous band was observed running from the grans to the urethral orifice on the perineum. The dog also had urethritis that was infected by ascending bacteria entering through the contaminated urethral orifice. Corrective surgery was undertaken to excise the external genitalia and retained testicle. The prepuce, penis and retained testicles were successfully excised. After the urethral orifice was cleaned periodically and antibiotics were administrated, recurrent urethritis disappeared. Using this therapeutic regime it is not necessary to reconstruct the anomaly located urethral orifice, if the location of urethral orifice is not the cause of recurrent urethritis and urinary incontinence.



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