천연가스 공급타당성 검토를 위한 영향요인 발굴 및 중요도 평가

An Evaluation of the Weights and Investigation of the Impact Factors for Supplying LNG

  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


In this paper, we investigated impact factors by brainstorming and survey research and calculated the weights of them using the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) method in order to evaluate alternatives for supplying Liquefied Natural Gas(LNG). AHP is a useful method for evaluating multi-criteria decision making problems. We selected 3 criteria and 9 sub-criteria. According to the result in this study, the most important sub-criterion is the Government's Policy, and the second is the Province's Policy. The other side, the lowest important sub-criterion is the Investment Cost. This study may provide basic data to select the optimal alternative for supplying LNG.



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