Arrangement Changes of the Inner Gate and Gate-pavilion in Temple Construction of Joseon

조선시대 사찰건축에서 정문(正門)과 문루(門樓)의 배치관계 변화

  • Published : 2009.02.28


The inner gate(The last gate inside a temple, facing the main hall) is not a well-known part in the temple construction of Joseon. This study is focused on seeking truth about the inner gate arrangement of the existing temples as well as proving that it has changed while maintaining a certain relationship with the gate-pavilion arrangement. The inner gate is related to the Cheondo ritual which is letting the dead people's spirits go to heaven, mainly performed in Buddhism, and it has been demonstrated that the inner gate has gradually disappeared as the importance of gate-pavilions has been emphasized along with the changes of the ritual. The inner gate was a common construction before the 18th Century but since that time, it has gradually disappeared and finally it faced the main hall as the gate-pavilion and made the 4 halls-centered arrangement with the temple dormitories on both sides.



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