통일신라건축 목조결구기법에 관한 연구

The Study on the Jointing Method of Wooden Members at Unified Silla Architecture

  • 황세옥 (국민대 테크노디자인대학원) ;
  • 허범팔 (국민대 실내디자인학과)
  • Hwang, Se-Ok (Completion Dept. of Interior Architectural Design Techno Design Graduate School Kookmin Univ.) ;
  • Hur, Bum-Pal (College of Design, Kookmin Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


In understranding the essence of the Korea traditional Architecture, it is important to consider the jointing methods of architectural members, architectural technologies, etc. Especially the purpose of this study is understanding on the Jointing Method of Wooden Members in the period of Unified Silla Architecture. It's conclusion is summarized as follows. 1. A section of column has very close to do with the foundation stone. The structures of foundation stone and column are generally concluded by butt joint, arrow-head joint, housed joint by Grang-e method. Judu is structured by arrow-head joint And, in general, beam is structured by Sagaematchum Chumcha and sagaljudu of Don direction. At the head of Pyungju and the body of Goju, Changbang is structed by Jangbumachum with arrow-head joint or by jumukchang-machum. Also, it is surmised that Gyisoseum and Anssolim methods had been applied to columns from former ages. The example can be found at Bagjae Mireuksaji stone pagoda. Bagjae Mireuksaji stone pagoda taking wooden-pagoda form adopts Gyisoseum and Anssolim methods. We can also find such a sort of methods from other stone constructions like Budo, etc. 2. Injahwaban is structured by short Changbumachum with arrowed-head joint at upper members, and by Anjangmachum at the lower part. This sort of Gongpo style can be seen in the mural painting of tomb of Koguryo and in Buplyungsa, Buplyunsa, Bupkisa-located in Japan, which are influenced by Bakjae or Unified Silla. It is considered that at the end of the late United Silla, Injawhaban had been replaced with Chumcha and Soro on the Pyungbang under influence of Dapo style from China.



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