김치에 대한 중국 산동성 지역 성인의 기호도 조사

A Survey on Chinese's Preference for Korean Kimchi in Shandong Province

  • 장향매 (경원대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 남은숙 (경원대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 박신인 (경원대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


This study investigates the preferences Chinese have of Korean Kimchi and improvements for Chinese market adaptation of Kimchi through a survey. The questionnaire was conducted on 298 Chinese(108 males, 190 females) residing in Weihai, Yantai and Qingdao in Shandong province. The questionnaire form was developed and used for self-administration. The collected data were analyzed by SAS package. Among the subjects, 88.9% had experienced eating Kimchi and 58.8% liked Kimchi. The preference of Kimchi was significantly higher among males, workers, persons who had visited Korea, and persons interested in Korea compared to females, university students, persons who hadn't visited Korea, and persons with no interest in Korea. The reasons for liking Kimchi, in order of popularity, were for its 'refreshing taste'(64.9%), 'spicy taste'(57.7%), 'chewy texture'(47.2%), and 'sour taste'(35.1%). The reasons for disliking Kimchi were for its 'smell'(19.6%), 'sour taste'(16.2%), 'salty taste'(14.3%), and 'appearance'(8.7%). Of those surveyed, 97.6% had a positive opinion of Kimchi intake in the future. The intention of future consumption of Kimchi was significantly higher in females than males. The type of Kimchi wanted by Chinese was 'less seasoning'(53.4%), 'less spicy'(46.0%), 'sweeter taste'(39.3%), 'less salty'(37.2%), and 'no fish-like smell'(35.6%). Improvements for increasing Chinese Kimchi consumption were 'development of Kimchi according to Chinese preference'(81.2%), 'improvement of sanitation'(73.5%), 'decrease in the sale price of Kimchi'(72.8%), and 'convenient place for the purchase of Kimchi'(63.8%).



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