유기농업 실천농가의 경영효율성 분석

Efficiency Analysis of Organic Farm Management

  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


This paper evaluates the technical efficiency of organic farm management practices and studies its main determinants in Hongdongmyeon of Hongsung county, Chungnam province. The analysis is performed in two stages. First, the efficiency is measured via the nonparametric "Data Envelopment Analysis" (DEA) technique. The DEA models are constructed not only to assess the overall technical efficiency of organic fanning practices but also to evaluate the management efficiencies. In a second stage critical determinants of efficiency are determined using a Tobit model. In this analysis the focus is on technical and socio-economic variables. The analytical results show that technically efficient farms is about 13 percent and the mean technical efficiency is found to be 0.73 indicating that many farms are not operating at an efficient scale.



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