영.호남 작부체계의 바이오에너지용 신품종 도입시 경제적 가치 비교분석

The Comparative Analysis for the Economic Value of the Southern Part Cropping System Introducing New Bio-energy Crops.

  • 김충실 (경북대학교 농업경제학과) ;
  • 이현근 (경북대학교 대학원 농업경제학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


The production of bio-energy crops is a major research project in the emphasizing the "low carbon green growth" strategy. For this, the possibility of the introduction of the new energy crops improve the agricultural income from fanning must be diagnosed. This study describes the level of agricultural income per unit area by cropping system based on the income of crops in the field. Especially, we have chosen the southern part attracting the attention in the possible area of the bio-energy crop production. This study consists of five chapters. Chapter I is the introduction. Chapter II is on the status of the southern part cropping system and the analysis of the economic value. Chapter III is on the economic value analysis introducing new bio-energy crops. Chapter IV is on the comparative analysis for the economic value of the croping system introducing new bio-energy crops. Chapter V is the conclusion.



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