양식 어류와 이들 난에 대한 항곰팡이성 약물들의 효과 비교

Comparative Efficacy of Antifungal Agents for Aquaculture Fish and their Eggs

  • 지보영 (국립수산과학원 병리연구과) ;
  • 이덕찬 (국립수산과학원 병리연구과)
  • Lee, Bo-Young (Pathology Division, National Fisheries Research & Development Institute) ;
  • Lee, Deok-Chan (Pathology Division, National Fisheries Research & Development Institute)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


In fresh water fish hatcheries and farms, Saprolegniales often cause serious mortality to the fish and their eggs. Malachite green is an effective antifungal agent, but is carcinogenic to fish and humans. Alternative antifungal agents are needed. Presently, we tested various concentrations of MBT-01108 (Opuntia ficus-indica extracts) alone and in combination with bronopol, formalin and sodium chloride (MBT-01108 mixture) on in vitro mycelial growth and in vivo remediation of adult eel, Anguilla japonica, infected with Saprolegnia sp. and fertilized eggs of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, to evaluate the compounds' antifungal efficacy on eyed-egg and hatching rates. MBT-Oll08 mixtures incorporating bronopol and formalin at respective concentrations of 50 and 30 parts per million (ppm), and 100 and 20 ppm were most effective in controlling Saprolegnia in vitro and in vivo (P<0.05). Repeated daily exposures to 50 ppm and 100 ppm MBT-01108 were more effective than exposure every 2-3 days post-fertilization for the inhibition of Saprolegnia infection of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss eggs as compared with control (0 ppm).



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