Signalman Action Analysis for Container Crane Controlling

  • Bae, Suk-Tae (Department of Port & Logistics System, Tongmyong University)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.30


Human action tracking plays an important place in human-computer-interaction, human action tracking is a challenging task because of the exponentially increased computational complexity in terms of the degrees of freedom of the object and the severe image ambiguities incurred by frequent self-occlusions. In this paper, we will propose a novel method to track human action, in our technique, a dynamic background estimation algorithm will be applied firstly. Based on the estimated background, we then extract the human object from the video sequence, and the skeletonization method and Hough transform method will be used to detect the main structure of human body and each part rotation angle. The calculated rotation angles will be used to control a crane in the port, thus we can just control the container crane by using signalman body. And the experimental results can show that our proposed method can get a preferable result than the conventional methods such as: MIT, JPF or MFMC.



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