병원 간호조직 성과관리지표 개발에 관한 연구

A Study on Performance Measurement Indicators of Nursing Department in a Hospital

  • 발행 : 2009.03.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution score of nursing organizational level for Performance Management Indicators (PMIs) in the nursing department in a hospital. Methods: The process consisted of three stages. Stage I: The strategies based on 4 perspectives of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) were identified by BSC committee in the hospital nursing department. Stage II : PMIs according to the strategies were developed. Stage III : The contribution score according to nursing organizational level (nursing department, nursing unit, nurse) for PMIs were surveyed by questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive statics and ANOVA test. Results: Eight strategies were defined according to 4 perspectives of BSC. Eighteen PMIs were determined according to the strategies. The nurse considered the contribution of nursing department most highly on the 13 among 18 PMIs. Conclusion: This study provided basic data for further study to identify the subject of responsibility on the strategic management of performance.



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