비이송식 플라즈마 토치 구조에 따른 열 플라즈마 특성 시험

An Experimental Analysis on the Thermal Plasma Characteristics to the Geometry in Non-Transferred Torch

  • 정안목 (공주대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 전의식 (공주대학교 기계자동차 공학부)
  • Jeong, An-Mok (Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering, Kongju National University) ;
  • Jun, Euy-Sik (School of Mechanical Engineering, Kongju National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


The influence on a stability of thermal plasma has been investigated in an electrode structure of non-transferred plasma torch. The variations of dynamic characteristic of the arc voltage was analyzed and compared in terms of voltage character and nozzle types for both the step-shaped nozzles and magnetic-approved cylindrical nozzle. From the experimental results, an electrode gap, flow rate of arc gas, and currents are considered as major operational parameters. As conclusion, it was assured that a torch with step-shaped nozzles of magnetic-approved type produce the stable plasma jet.



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